Sunday, August 28, 2011

Daily News

Choi Sung-Bong, a Korean boy who is 16 years old, turns his poor life to rich life. He was left by his parents, grown up in the orphanage, but living in the orphanage was too poor so sometimes he slept on the street or in the container box where the criminal gangs could bit him up. But fortunately he had a passion for music, and eventually met his master Hyun-Jung Yu. He absolutely supported all things for Sung-Bong, and that changes his life. Additionally, by Korean program called, 'Korea's got tallent', Sung-bong got famouse and began to live his 2nd life with lots of encouragement.

This news encouraged me because Sung-Bong maybe lived the poorest life but by his passion, he made it and success. I should not lose my goal and be ambitious everytime.

We can pray for the other poor people who is living like Sung-Bong's past life, that not to give up anything, and always pray for God to make your wish come true.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Daily News

 (I picked this topic because it seems interesting.)

 Nice guys earn less money? As the researcher says, the nice and aggreable guys earn less money than cold and not-kind guys. Generally it comments that the nice guys are not good at establishing or maintaing hierachy, and being disagreeable sometimes hleps to accomplish the problem. Even they insisted that 'disagreeable is not 'mean''.

This news impressed me by its title and lots of comments under this news criticizing that the company is unrelated to CEO's personality but their intelligence, assertive and confident behavior. Bible says we should not be involved the bad parts of world. As Christian, i agreed with the comments more than news, because the Bible says we should not be involved the mean and bad parts of the world. So this news make me sure that what Bible says are always true.

CNN STAFF. CNN U.S part. Aug. 25th

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

News Daily

 One of the huge companies in the world Apple, the CEO of the APPLE COMPANY posted on his wall that he would quit his job as a CEO of APPLE COMPANY on Aug. 25th. The reason he decided to quit his job is his unspecified mental disease that he couldn't stand to keep the huge company. Many people got shocked about that news, but the head of Apple company was changed rapidly as soon as Steve resign.

 Steve Jobs was one of the admirable people for me because he is rich and very kind to donate his money. But i felt that nothing can make person happy unless they are not healty. I am feeling appreciating to God that i have healthy body. So we can pray for Steve to heal his body and condition again.

Korean Herald. National News Section. Apple says Steve Jobs resigning as CEO. Aug 25th.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

New Daily

By the huge earthquake (About 5.8) attacked the Virginia and many people got shocked. There were no certain injured people, but by the wave of earthquake, most of the area wasn't work with cellur phone services and the companies prompted the evacuation to the safe place.

 The earthquake news always makes me fearful about the nature disaster, also they affected people in Chicago because Virginia is not that far away so they feared us. Thereby, we should pray for the feared people around and the good condition of weather.

CNN Wire Staff. Breaking News Section. Aug. 23. 2011

Monday, August 22, 2011

Daily News

Due to the lightening strike sparked the house in Caribbean island on Aug 22th, the fire was on the house and destroyed the house. There were about 20 people in, including the Oscar winning actress Kate Winslet, and fortunately non of them got injured. But they got shocked a lot and one of them, the oldest person barely could escape from the burning house. The researcher found out that the lightening which strengthened into a hurricane early Monday was the reason.

This scary nature disaster story affected me by reminding the weather changes by many reasons, such as air pollution, and soil pollution. For example, in Korea, there was a huge rainy day for a month and that affected a lot of people as a bad way. The weather sometimes killed people as soon as it could. So we must pray for the people who is suffered from the nature disaster and be prepared to overcome it.

the CNN Wire Staff. "fire destroys private-island home of Virgin head Richard Branson". CNN World Magazine. 22 Aug. 2011.